Question by zelimir: how comes that all good looking female tennis players are east europeans?
how comes that all good looking female tennis players are easter european, slavic chicks!?!?! What does that mean, communists were not good in doing bussines, or making cars, but communists are so good in creating good looking female tennis players?!?!?! I like Dementieva, Kirilenko, Ivanovic, Sharapova is not bad, Kurnikova was OK. What is the secret with those slavic chicks?
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Answer by Alexandra
Firs of all, the Eastern countries are not only Slavic. There are couple of countries that are both, Slavic and Latins. As a completely Latin East European girl i would say that they are good looking because of the combination of the gens in the history; it’s something natural. About their great career…in these countries is harder to live so you have to work very hard to accomplish something. Probably they are used to work harder and be more persevering than other players from other developed countries. And when you really want something and you work hard, you get it.
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