Question by cian: Why did it take one year for Kasimir Malevich to paint “The Black Square”?
He claimed it took one whole year to paint his most famous piece “The Black Sqaure,” does anybody know why it took him so long!
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Answer by craftyvioleteer
I believe it is because he was searching for a way to express how he felt about art and the way it is portrayed. I bet it didn’t actually take him a year to paint the square. It just took him a year to figure out how to explain it. It’s only my hunch and that is after reading the info at this link.
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Pablo H says
Black Square 1923-29 Malevich painted several versions of this, his most emblematic work,wich he later chose as the banner for his own funeral. Painted entirely freehand, without aid of a template or straightedge, it was intended as a vacant image, wich would, however, carry the mark of the painter's hand in its brushwork. In fact, a close inspection clarly reveals a number of formal and surface irregularities.
Best regards
Pablo H