Question by Hello: Why did Joseph Stalin hate Trotsky?
also why did he execute his supporters from the Bolsheviks in the trial of Twenty-one?
Answers and Views:
Answer by Sarrafzedehkhoee
Everyone hates the trotskies! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
Answer by Spellbound
He hated Trotsky because he was a serious rival for supreme power, and, later, because his ideas represented an alternative to the orthodox “General Line” – the approved Stalinist version of Marxism-Leninism and an alternative narrative to the accepted version of events during the October Revolution.
Stalin hated Trotsky’s closeness to Lenin, and his skill as an administrator as well as fearing his power base in the Red Army.
Answer by imperialpoetpurple
Ol’ Jospeh Stalin is often preceded with the question of ‘Why?’ In the case of Leon Trotsky,
it was a situation of ‘hate at first sight.’ Stalin abolutely despised Leon Trotsky from the moment they met. He just hated the man, his personality, his entire demeanor. Stalin saw Trotsky’s keen
intellect – not as an admirable strength and asset to the Revolution – but as a detested barrier to his
own totalitarian aspirations of power and control.
In 1918, the brave , Bolsheviks struggled with basic survival; it was their Valley Forge of sorts – a
time when the Bolsheviks were tried and tempered by the harsh circumstances of their historical birth as the authentic world powerhouse of socialism. One remembers the grand speeches of the 1917 Revolution – and that now in all this blood and pain – the dawn of the socialist era was now at last truely coming to light. Here in this dangerous brilliant glory sat Leon Trotsky and Joseph Stalin,
and they both detested each other.
Stalin saw Trotsky as the valued War Commissar creating and commanding the Red Army effectively
from his armoured train. Trotsky was a bespetacled Jewish intellectal, a former Menshevick, a war hero, and in that troubled time Lenin had been viscuously wounded by a spray of small calibre hand gun bullets via Fanya Kaplan. Lenin was recuperating and his stroke was caused from the blood clots of the terrible wound. Lenin regarded Stalin and Trotsky as his special trouble shooters, and they were the only politburo members allowed access then to Lenin without special appointments.Lenin was seeing Russia now as a kind of ‘armed camp.’ Some people began to favor the practical, humerous, charming provencial brotherly Stalin, who now set his aim upon Trotsky. Trotsky’s weakness was a self-alienating high intellect ie. he could pettily lash out
Soon, more acts of terror, indeed followed ie. the assasination of Kirov who was a competent fairminded rising Moscow Bolshevik, but Stalin – who of course had loaded the bureaucracy with his cronies and hacks and lackies of all sorts
Stalin hated Trotsky because he ws highly competent intellectual man, ho was in Stakin’s way/path to seiing totalitarin control/power. One thing to always remember about Stalin, is that people could disagree with him openly
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