Question by : Why did people want rasputin dead? why does he have problems with his reign?
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Answer by wildcats115
A number of influential churchmen fell for Rasputin early in his ‘career’ as a holy man. Later, these supporters in the church hierarchy turned on him and attempted to send him away from St. Peterburg. Rasputin cunningly knew how to undermine his enemies in the church and soon had them exiled or in disgrace. A bishop or monk who opposed him might find themself suddenly sent to a remote monastery or far-away episcopal see. In government affairs Rasputin’s power was an illusion, although the Petersburg press crowed about his influence over important government appointments. Gossip claimed he had seduced the Empress, her daughters, and Anna Vyrubova as well. These rumors, which reached the highest circles of society where they were deliciously repeated by Alexandra’s foes, drove Nicholas to distraction. The remoteness and isolation of the Imperial Family made it possible for the general public to believe these crazy stories, but the aristocracy knew they were groundless. Still they derived pleasure from seeing Alexandra’s named dragged through the mud. Rasputin made the talk worse by flaunting the Imperial families gifts, letters and the telephone calls he received from Alexandra asking for his prayers. People believed he had an uncanny control over the Tsar and his wife. Rasputin enjoyed the celebrity status this reputation gave him
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chana devora says
As another answerer stated, Rasputin did not reign, but was a sort of spiritual adviser, as was very common for many heads of state to have, in those times. Rasputin felt that the nobility got in the way of the peasantry having access to the tsar. While it was true that Russian religious leaders came to despise him, the ones who really wanted him dead were the nobles… the Russian aristocracy, because it was a class that Rasputin wanted to do away with altogether. In addition, Rasputin's close position to the tsar gave him the opportunity to recommend cabinet ministers who championed his anti-war causes (peace and equal rights for the peasants and for Jews – and Russia was a highly anti-semitic country). Obviously, this powerful position was resented by the aristocracy. So, they killed him.
not a top con & says
the quick version
He didn't reign, he merely had some influence over the Tsar's family.
Power in Russia came from the Tsar and access to the Tsar. People were jealous of the power that Rasputin had, that access to the Tsar. Whatever favors Rasputin influenced, would be favors not going to other people.