Question by Mike: How did Russia come to be a Christian society?
How did this Christian alliance help their development? What was similar and different about their interactions with Christians to the South and the Mongols of the East?
Answers and Views:
Answer by Spandau Boll0cks
it is the enemy of communism.
Answer by ranger_co_1_75
The same way the rest of Europe became Christian at one time. Monks and missionaries spread the word. Christian zealots killed anyone not Christian. Avoiding murder is a strong incentive to change religions.
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Dude the Obscure says
Read the relevant chapters in the book “Conversion to Christianity from Late Antiquity to the Modern Age,” edited by Calvin Kendall et al. It will tell you a lot more about this very complicated process than these yahoo answerers can.
Ana says
According to the legends, Christianity was first brought to the territory of modern Russia and Ukraine by Saint Andrew, the first Apostle of Jesus Christ. He traveled over the Black Sea to the Greek colony of Chersonesus Taurica in Crimea, where he turned several thousands men to new faith. Allegedly Saint Andrew traveled also north along the Dnieper River, where Kiev would be founded around the 5th century, and as far north as the future location of Veliky Novgorod. The legendary account of the Russian Primary Chronicle tells that Saint Andrew was amused by the Slavic customs of washing in hot steam bath, banya, on his way. North Pontic Greek colonies, both in Crimea and on the modern Russian shores of the Sea of Azov and the Black Sea, remained the main centers of Christianity in Eastern Europe for almost a thousand years.