Question by benny: Why did stalin had a hostile attitude to the western allies in 1945?
Why did Stalin have a bad attitude towards England, France, and America before World War 2
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Answer by Gun Plumber
Because FDR lied to Stalin and France and Britain had an alliance with the USA
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Douglas L says
Why did stalin had a hostile attitude to the western allies in 1945? Because he was a COMMUNIST.
As such he was hostile to all CAPITALIST powers. Several of these powers backed the white Russians in trying to stamp out Communism in 1918-1921. Communists vowed to spread communism and cause the fall of capitalist governments around the world.
same applies for pre-1939.
Jamison F says
Because he was a communist and the west was Capitlism, completly different ideoligies that clashed on every level. Some people actually felt that the west should of allied with Hitler in fighting the Soviet Union, but Hitler decided to attack the west first instead of attacking the Soviet Union and maybe altering history forever.
Gerry D says
I see two different yet similar questions here. I will take the one ending in "1945".
Stalin was a strange sort of dictator. Even before the beginning of WW II he "purged" his country of would be challengers. What he did is effectively manage to destroy so much of the military leadership within the USSR even before the war with Germany began; by the time Operation Barbarossa begins in June of 1941 the ability to resist against that invasion was (to say the very least) difficult.
Flash forward to the end of WW II in 1945: The Russians lost upwards of 20 million people in their war against Germany. At the end of the war the Russians (Stalin) felt the Allies (USA, Britain, France, etc) were in Germany occupying that country based on "suffrage" and not by "right" (as the Russians were). This grew to much tension at the time frame. Stalin also estimated that it would take the USSR 20 years to rebuild what the Germans had destroyed along the way of their Eastern Front.
Hope this helps.
Gerry D.