Question by JB: Why did Stalin kill all of the peasants? I know that he wanted the land from the Kulaks, but explain?
I realize that Stalin wanted the land from the kulaks to sell the grains to industrialize the country, but what was the reason to kill the peasantry?
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Answer by Danibel
It was a dictatorship, if somebody lied about their wealth or didn’t show up for military service, they could be murdered.
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George S says
He killed the German descended Ukrainians. He was genocidal and he slaughtered 20 million. I understand he claimed they withheld grain for their families that he demanded be submitted. It was a hard-core communist country and you couldn't decide what you would keep for yourself.
I also understand the Nazis calculated Europe was overpopulated and had 30 million people it couldn't support. The Nazis wiped out about 12 million, half Jews, and the Bolsheviks smeared the rest, many of them Germans.
Not the "ONE&am says
He didn't kill all of them. Just the ones he didn't like.
Oh wait a minute, that was most of them.
I think it was because they wouldn't go along with the collectivism.
Remember, it was STALIN!
That nut case never needed a rational reason to do anything.
He's Kim Jong Il's role model.
Ye Olde Fasc-Fiter says
Most of those who died, starved. Those who were actively killed were killed for the same reason others were: because they opposed the Leader. He didn't ever take kindly to that.
chillax mayng says
the peasants didn't like the land being taken from them, so they revolted. b/c they revolted, stalin had his army execute the kulaks, it was fast, easy and stalin got his land