Question by pink69ranger: Why did the Battle of Stalingard cause Stalin to resent Great Britain and the United States?
Why did the Battle of Stalingard cause Stalin to resent Great Britain and the United States?
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Answer by trigunmarksman
Stalingrad was the bloodiest battle in world history. he had been pressing the allies to open up a second front for over a year now and Russia was bearing the brunt of the casualties and actual fighting.
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Blaven! says
Stalin wanted GB and the US to open up a western front to the war by invading occupied France. This would've taken a lot of pressure off of Stalin, who was bearing the brunt of the German offensive in the east. This culminated in the huge Battle of Stalingrad. GB and the US delayed the invasion of France, preferring to wait until they could build up a larger force. Stalin was understandably miffed.