Question by : why did the world war two alliance between the USA and USSR dissolve after 1945?
basically doing an essay which has to be in for a months time. could do with 4 or 5 (maybe) six points that i can go and research and then form my argument with.
Answers and Views:
Answer by Tundra Rob
Prior to the war the US and Soviet Union were not on very good terms, the Soviets wanted to spread communism and the many Americans were strongly opposed to communism. During the war the USA And USSR had a common enemy in Nazi Germany; their alliance was solely for the purpose of defeating Hitler. Once that threat was destroyed they had little reason to continue as allies, and their global interests were mutually contradictory.
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Ken Joyce says
The fact of the matter is this. The USSR was created on lies and existed on lies. So did many nations in the west. The Marxists had decades to infiltrate the west between 1903 and 1941. Under the Comintern, Red International of Labour Unions, MOPR, Youth Communist International people forget that it was the RSFSR and USSR that desired global control LONG before Hitler came around.
In fact, the claim that Hitler desired global control is a lie. One can prove this by the fact that the Nazi regime had made little is an effort to bolster the likeminded in nations outside of Germany. National Socialism is NOT Fascism. That is another lie. All western Fascist groups started on their own, not through some international organization like the Comintern. In fact, Spanish Fascism was different from Italian and Croatian Fascism. The German Bund in the US and the British Union were largely independent of each other.
The Soviet infiltration effort in the west penetrated ALL left-leaning unions and political parties to include Liberal, Democrat and Labour. They infiltrated bureaucracies, militaries, intelligence and police services. This was achieved through their domestically set up Communist parties the first being the Communist Party of Mexico. It is little understood that the RSFSR and USSR attempted to invade Germany three times after WWI. That is how Hitler rose to power. There were no Liberals or Conservatives willing to stop him. Therefore the war between the German Communists, The KPD, and the Nazis was a war from control.
HOWEVER, the KPD had hundreds of thousands of members when the NSDAP had 18. So who was the original threat to Germany? Hitler was a National Socialist. He was a leftist. It was his leftist policies that attracted many members of the KPD over to his side. Therefore the war between Nazi Germany and the USSR was a war between LEFT ideologies.
Hidden in the background of all this were the Nationalists or present-day globalists. They saw an opportunity in creating this conflict and backing those that infiltrated the western governments. It was WALL STREET that propped up the USSR until Lenin died. However, they not only say money in Soviet Russia but also a Communist Asia. They thought they could control the Communists because they knew Communism was a dead horse. It sooner or later fails. Therefore opening up their resources to them.
WWI and WWII were fought by the bankers to destroy European Empire and Imperialism that they could not control. They desired the destruction of Germany, Russia, China, Japan, Britain, France, and the Netherlands from the very beginning. Since before WWI. That is why they backed the Communists. That is why China and the globalists are in cahoots today. The only thing that stood in their way in Russia was Stalin.
However, Roosevelt, Churchill, Truman and Attlee did their best to bribe him to be a good boy. It did not work. Now, rather than wars and war industry, they are using climate change and vaccines to control people. It all comes from the same source. EVIL.
Hilter was evil, Lenin and Stalin are evil, Moa is evil, Minh is evil, Wilson was evil, Lloyd George was evil, Roosevelt was evil, Truman was evil, Atlee was evil and yes even Churchill was evil. The deaths of well over 200,000,000 people prove this. There are no sides to take here.
Gerald Cline says
Without the common goal of destroying the Nazis the two counties fell back on their own primary agendas which were diametrically opposed. The alliance fell apart over how to divide the spoils of the war.
Frosty says
Look up Star Wars (not the movie) but Regan's military plan. AKA the Space Race.
The Cold War
"The Space Race grew out of the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union, the most powerful nations after World War II. For a half-century, the two superpowers competed for primacy in a global struggle pitting a democratic society against totalitarian communism."
nick says
Firstly, what alliance? at best it can be called Cooperation due to a more pressing and common threat.
so what made the cooperation go south?
– Soviet aggression in Eastern Europe
– Soviets reneging on agreements made at Potsdam and Teheran
– Explosion of the 2 US atomic bombs
– Soviet suspicions as to why the D-day landings were so delayed to relieve them from the Nazis.
– Soviet Atom Bomb exploded in 1949, way before US analysts predicted, they thought ten years not 4.
– US pre-war suspicions of Soviet Communism resurfaced after the war (US involved in Russian Civil War of 1921 onwards to overthrow the communists)
ammianus says
Mutual distrust:
Roosevelt promised Molotov in a private meeting in 1942 that the Western Allies would open a Second Front in western Europe in 1942.Under pressure from his Joint Chiefs of Staff, Roosevelt later reneged on this promise. The fact that the Second Front in France wasn't opened until Summer 1944 (by which time there was no danger of Russia losing the war) made Stalin distrust USA.
At the Yalta Conference early in 1945,Stalin promised to hold free elections in countries liberated by the Soviet Army. Instead, Communist pro Russian puppet governments were installed by force. This made USA distrust Stalin.
USA refused to share A-bomb technology with Russia immediately after WW2.This scared Stalin, who thought the USA might launch a nuclear attack on USSR while they had a monopoly of such weapons.
After WW2, USA was, albeit unwillingly, prepared to exist peacefully in the postwar world with Communism. However,Stalin's policy was clearly to expand Communist influence by aiding Communists around the world in the takeover of states/areas that were non Communist,by force if necessary. This led the USA to decide such expansion had to be resisted.
Irv S says
"To the victor belong the spoils".
There was all of Eastern Europe 'up for grabs'.