Question by : Why did USSR and USA become enemies after WW2 in cold war? What happened and who started it?
the two greatest civilizations in human history at the time were allies in the most bloody war in history and helped allied victory,….then turned against eachother? Why? The United States and the Soviet Union should have joined forces.
Answers and Views:
Answer by Zachery G
We were never allies. We had a common enemy, but we were never on good terms with the Soviets. They were communist and we were free.
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Walter B says
“Zachery” — why do you not learn the difference between an economic system (communism, socialism and capitalism) and a political system (democracy, monarchy, totalitarianism etc.)
Many people living in socialist countries may have lived under a not-so-free country (I would not say totalitarian) but they had food to eat and clothes and a good health system available much of which was not available in the capitalist USA which was racist, bigoted and undemocratic in many of its laws and cultural attitudes.
Why did they become enemies?
Because the Soviet Union was a Socialist country run by communist parties in its republics while the USA was a capitalist country. Each was paranoid about the other and being subverted. The US was sending agent-provocateurs into the Soviet bloc to destabilize the economy and governments while the USSR sent spies into the US to spy on the military etc. The US was also violating a lot of international treaties over Korea, Germany, Vietnam etc.
Mike J says
harry truman didnt like commies
hironymus says
The two greatest civilizations in history? Only as far as military power goes. The regime in Russia had been in power only a short 20 years or so, the US was less than 200 years old. A lot of civilizations had come and gone before that. Some of them really great and not just militarily.
Russia and America were never really allies. It was strictly a marriage of convenience and as soon as the war ended so was the partnership.
edetwi says
They each wanted to get control of the world to serve their own ambitions. The big debate was which side had better ideas and deserved to take all the treasure and women for themselves. It was a big macho thing.