Question by Vanessa L: Why have Yagudin and Plushenko always hated each other ?
How come they were “enemies” ? I’m re-watching some videos of the Olympic Games (in Salt Lake City) and I always hear about their rivalry and the fact they hate each other… I would like to know more !!
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Answer by wwefan76
Where did you get the idea that they hated each other.
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figureicequeen says
They don't like competition obviously, but that is all that I know.
Ximena says
Well "hate" is probably too much, though it's true that Yagudin said in the SLC "We kind of hate each other", but they don't hate each other, at least not now. They used to have the same coach (Mishin), they both wanted their coach undivided attention, that didn't happen; Yagudin left and the whole rivalry started. Truth is that they both said their share of things about each other, but it was mostly up to 2002, afterwards they were pretty nice to each other. They respect each other as skaters. When they toured together (back in 2002), a lot of people saw then hang out together, and just last year when Evgeni hosted "Stars on Ice" (Russia) where Yagudin participated, they were really nice to each other, they are not the best of friends, or even friends, but there is no hate between them now.
love2figureskate says
They do not hate each other. They are just competitors against each other.
This is a quote from an interview:
And also Alexei Yagudin learned the main things with Mishin. It is said that you hate each other, is that true?
Evgeni:I want to say that we are of course competitiors on the ice, we want to defeat each other with our jumps and our skating. But when we are taking off the skates, then we talk to each other. That means there is no hostility. And it is like that with all other skaters, with Abt and so on, very normally. On the ice, yes, there we are are soldiers, fighter and have war with each other but when we take off the skates we can get along.