Question by Proud to be British: Why do Americans think they were the first to send a cosmonaut into space?
The first man in space was the cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin of the USSR. Why do Americans refuse to believe that?
Answers and Views:
Answer by MB
I acknowledge that, but we were the first to walk on the moon.
Read all the answers in the comments.
What do you think?
dale gribble says
we don't
but we did kick the USSR's as8 in the race to the moon.
that's the one that counts.
Elise says
just go away with your crap and americans know the first person was in space . england SUCKS
Peewee Herman says
i don't know any American who thinks that you dummy.
Chris says
Why are you anti-american? Do you think you're smart because you know the first man in space thanks to google? Do you want to show your smarts off by trashing an entire group of people, while enshrining yourself? Why don't you be the first to send sputnik up your ass.
addie b says
um…every one knows that it was the russians, calm ur pipes