Question by anna amin: why do the trees in moscow are painted in white at the bottom before winter?
i’m not sure if there are other cities that does the same thing. if there are please do tell.
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Answer by latrailera2000
Here in the US the walnut farmers do this to deter insects, I think it has some sort of chemicle in it, not sure.
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Cossak says
lol……i think all know why they do,its simple,because its polution from chemical products,just white paint is with same effect but more ecology clean, beetles or bug would not insect a tree with such colour…
Anuta says
In Russia we have 2 reasons to do so.
1. It's solution of water and lime. It's chemical properties help to protect the tree from insects. Only so, not from winter injury.
2. Sometimes we paint the trees in white at the bottom for a beauty, in spring, it's like a tradition in Russia.
joão b says
because they do.
Dondon F says
to reduce winter injury on trees and shrubs
Wrapping the trunks of susceptible trees with tree wrap is the most effective way to minimize this type of winter injury. If a tree wrap is used, it should be removed after one season to prevent insect or moisture damage. In commercial orchards, it is customary to paint the trunks of trees white to reflect the winter sun, reducing the buildup of heat during the day.