Question by Marcello: Why do we rush to fight Iraq when attacking Kuwait but stand by and do nothing about Russia in Georgia?
Is it because we know Iraq was a much easier battle to win than would be Russia? If so, doesn’t that make Russia a far bigger issue than was Iraq in the early 90’s? Isn’t that also a lot more cowardly that we would only attack an aggressive nation that we knew we could beat soundly? Where are our tanks, planes, and navy to defend Georgia?
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Answer by T-man T
cuz russia got nukes
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Captain Cod says
It seems perfectly OK when USA invades small countries and occupy them (Iraq, Afghanistan), but it's an atrocity when Russia does so?
It's all wrong, but please try and find some perspective for yourselves.
SFC_Ollie says
Truth is if we had sent in a squadron of A10's and a squadron of F22s when this first started then Russia would have backed off. We didn't because it is an election year, and everyone is wimping out and talking, because that's the right thing to do…BS
Puller58 says
You should remember that we didn't rush to save Kuwait. Margaret Thatcher had to goad George H.W. Bush into attacking Iraq. In the case of Russia, they have nukes and our military is tied up in Iraq and Afghanistan.
European Women rocks says
Russia has nukes.
No More says
War with Russia would be nuclear. If you don’t want to live than you defiantly should start a war with Russia. No winners in a nuclear war.
emiller1998 says
Georgia started it by attacking 2 provinces that wanted to break away and be part of Russia.
Kuwait was attacked by Iraq because Iraq wanted to take them over.
Bonkers! says
it's kind of obvious.
just me says
First of all we can't afford it. Second Georgia bombed it's own citizens. This is what started it. S. Ossetia wants to break off and be united with Russia. Russia was and still is the peacekeeper around the boarders of S. Ossetia. Georgia has been wanting to get in Nato. Of course if your country is a part of Nato if another country attacks you all of NATO comes in and helps.
Nato has turned down Georgia, several times…. I have not read why. I think that Bush & Georgia are trying to keep Russia out of NATO also, THAT IS WHY, Georgia did that…. instigating Russia, you know, wake up the old dog, hear him bark. Now, they can say look they are not civil. Problem is……….. another dishonorable act and we should not condone it. For us to say something about Russia. What did we do with Iraq. THE SAME.
Since the Daddy Bush days America has been trying to get in Iraq. Think the cowboys got America from the Indians, didn't they!
How many times have you heard the term cowboy politics.
mbush40 says
Kuwait was not apart of Iraq. Iraq took over Kuwait. Occentia is apart of Georgia. Big Big Big BIG difference.
a_wood80 says
A lot happens that you don't know about.
The fact is, Georgia was more or less able to handle this issue on her own.
garden girl says
Because Russia had every right to go into Georgia since Georgia attacked South Ossetia and the Russian peacekeepers there.