Question by Ge1st: Why do we still to this day acknowledge that Stalin was Communist Dictator?
When he simply represented nothing that Karl Marxist has intended in his books. Stalin was no where communist, not one bit, although he pretended to be.
But why are we stupid to still record it in books that Stalin was a communist leader? We have not to this day achieve true communism but a couple of years in Russia which Stalin wiped out due to competition.
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Answer by TG
Few people read Marx. The Soviet Union called itself Communist, so people accepted that. Shiites and Sunnis each accuse the other of not being real Muslims, but the rest of the world doesn’t care. Labels are tricky.
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gentleroger says
Its the difference between little 'c' communism and big "C" communism. Marx and Engels had a vision that they believed history was moving towards. Lenin and the Bolesheviks thought they were ready for the communist revolution, and put it into place, trying to build "true socialism in our time". When Stalin took over the Communist Party, he shaped what both would be Communism and what the world view of Communism would be for the rest of the century. Stalin was the author of big "C" Communism, which was the initial model for Castro, Mao, Ho Chi Minh, and numerous others. While he didn't follow the letter of Marx, Lenin or any other communist philosophizer exactly, he didn't exactly have a road map that linked up with his situation. For over two decades Stalin was the face, mind, and force behind Communism.
doktrgroove says
Well, I believe that the Soviets still had a planned economy in which everyone would be "equal". The fact that Stalin murdered millions of his own doesn't figure into what a "communist" should be.