Question by Kenneth Gibson: Why does russia distrust western europe and the USA?
Russia has had a long standing feud with western europe and in recent years with the USA.
Why does russia always hate the more successful western europeans and Americans.
Im going all the way back before Peter the Great to present day.
Answers and Views:
Answer by booga b
World War II. Read up on where the United States focused the majority of its forces during that time. Russia was in a world of hurt but got VERY little support from anyone else. There has been tension ever since.
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timothy miller jr says
Why is everybody hard on the media, sure there full of shit most of the time, but there is always some truth to it and if u get it from a lot of different sources u can paint an accurate picture, some people dont understand the us and russia have been allies since the 1800s notably when they supported the union during the civil war and kept france and britain from getting involved. The cold is what all us vs ussr came from and man did we hate eachother, humans tend to do that sometimes.
Alex says
I'm an American and I do not trust our government/Zionist Jew apparatus who script our newspapers, movies, and wars. Before we had our current phony "war on terrorism," the "red scare" was the tool of the day used to keep the "great beast" (the American masses) on it's hind quarters while funneling American wealth into the bottomless pit of the military industrial complex.
The Russian People, just like Europeans and Americans are kind and descent folk. The truth of the matter is quite simple. In all countries it's always the self promoting assholes in power (bought and paid for by the ultra rich) playing nasty games and concocting lies about "the other side." How ironic is it they themselves are the real enemies of the people. They who raise the specter of an "evil empire!"
Exposing this fundamental lie in all it's subtle forms is of inestimable importance.
There is a clear connection and proportionality between the civility of countries to one another and civility between a government and it's people. How can a government properly take care of it's people when it's main purpose (verified by the percentage of it's budget) is to funnel it's wealth into a war machine to be used against self-created enemies?
The evolution of protest movements around the world today is truly inspiring. It shows that common people everywhere have had enough bullshit from their leaders and are finally doing something about it.
This rising up is the fulcrum of the desperately needed global transformation. It encompasses the ultimate goal of a truly sustainable planet.
sasaki says
WHAT is orthodox ? IS it christianity?Why russia always against US?
Mendeleyev says
Actually, if you visited the Russian war archives, you'd learn that the USA did a lot to help Russia at the onset of the war. A victory to Victory Park in Moscow is a literal exhibiton of American machinery donated to the Red Army.
Add medical supples and food to that also. Russian soldiers, many of whom I've interviewed, at rations of tins of corn and meat from states like Nebraska, Kansas and Iowa.
Stalin often ordered that the USA stamps on supplies and rations be replaced with CCCP insignia but soldiers knew the difference.
You are not correct about Russia and America being enemies back to Peter the Great. Until 1917 the USA and Russia were very close allies at times.
Marko S says
booga b:
"World War II. Read up on where the United States focused the majority of its forces during that time. Russia was in a world of hurt but got VERY little support from anyone else. There has been tension ever since."
Very little support?
Then what was that Lend-Lease thing?
"Lend-Lease (Public Law 77-11)[1] was the name of the program under which the United States of America supplied the United Kingdom, the Soviet Union, China, France and other Allied nations with vast amounts of war material between 1941 and 1945 in return for, in the case of Britain, military bases in Newfoundland, Bermuda, and the British West Indies.
A total of $ 50.1 billion (equivalent to nearly $ 700 billion at 2007 prices) worth of supplies were shipped: $ 31.4 billion to Britain, $ 11.3 billion to the Soviet Union, $ 3.2 billion to France and $ 1.6 billion to China."
arsanlupin says
Russia wants to do bad stuff to all of the countries around them – preferably without anyone else noticing. The countries of Western Europe and North America are smart enough to catch them in the act – which they hate.
They also have the most deep-seated inferiority complex in all of human history. They work like dogs to try to get the very best education possible – particularly in the arts, while the word "nekulturny" (uncultured) is one of the most grievous insults you can give them – especially if you are from the West.
Alan B says
Its all media hype.
Russia does not hate or mistrust western european countries,as Russia is basically a western country itself lol
Take a trip to Moscow, and you will see the same shops there as you would see in London ( even a macdonalds, and an english pub face the Kremlin )
I have many Russian friends both in the UK and in Russia.
We all agree that these days that we all have a common mistrust with the islamic countries
dftm says
You not only read but believe all of the American propaganda. I could ask why do americans hate Russians so much.
I speak perfect Engl says
Because Americans believe everything they read/hear and think they know Russia(and other countries) better then Russians etc. Also Russians do not dislike Western Europe as their people tend to be a bit more intelligent and open minded than Americans(aside from the UK).
dunno says
Why do Western Europe and US so distrust Russia?
Why they didnt invite USSR in the newly created NATO in 1949 while they said it wasn't against USSR?
Why do US continue to claim they build those missile-defence system in Poland and Czech Republic against Iran who even dont have ballistic rockets?
Slava T says
Are you talking about hatred or mistrust? I don't think that a lot of people in Russia "hate" the USA or the Western Europe. There are not more West-haters in Russia than self-haters in the Western countries. Russia ALWAYS felt itself as a part of the European civilization. We don't' have our copyright even for Marxism and communism which are general European phenomena.
As for some mistrust you are correct. I believe it's a dual traffic way. We're being told so many times again and again that we are different that we are alien to the West what inevitably it brings about a kind of protest.
If you read the Western press or watch the Western news channels you'll find out that they are full of degrading and disrespectful opinions about both the Russians and the Russian history. Do you think we don't know about all that stuff?
Prince N says
Interestingly the answer to your question lies back in USA or wherever you are reading your news and info in the media. You opinion that Russia does not like USA or W Europe has been created for you by the media in the West. If you actually go to Russia and ask anyone there if they hate or dislike US or Europe, you will be surprised to learn, that there is no such thing in Russia.
Historically you will also find that Russia has always been very friendly towards Europe and USA. Russia in fact gave away as gift Alaska to the USA. And as for Europe, Russia saved Europe from 2 world wars. First of all in the First World War, it is only because of Russia's involvement the war was finally ended. And of course in the WWII, Russia again liberated Europe from Natzies in collaboration of several other allies.
Russia is in fact a very rich country both in resources and in capital. Europe is actually looking to Russia for assistance. In the recent case of Iceland collapse, they went to Russia and asked Russian treasury to bail them out. They did not go to the USA or W Europe for some reason asking for help. And Russia did help them.
All things considered, your fears about Russia are probably based on info you got from media targeting you with their not always very objective views. You need to do your own research and visit the country in order to make a more accurate understanding.