Question by missbeehaven07: Why does Sarah Palin think she can see Russia from her house?
Cnn went to Alaska and tested this and the only place you can see Russia from in Alaska is some little town with 3,000 people that she has never been to. Also, when you get to the area all you see is a river of water and a small mountain. You don’t see anything of any importance. So what’s the deal?
Answers and Views:
Answer by Melissa A
She never said that. Stop watching SNL
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jenthejedi2007 says
The same reason why she can't name one magazine she has read. She is a moron.
Phil M says
She did say that and she referencing the proximity to foreign nations from Alaska.
It was a poor choice of words but the intent was not "I can see Russia, vote for me" She was trying to show that she isn't some cave called Alaska shoveling snow for votes.
She even defended the statement.
Obama in 2008
Rosa B says
Because she is a moron.
No foreign experience. She just received a passport a year ago.
She thinks fruit fly studies are a waste of money, but wants to fully fund special needs programs. Not realizing that there is a protein in fruit flies that is directly linked to Autism.
She says Obama was "pallin around with terrorists", and calls him "anti-American, when she was part of a group in Alaska that wanted to emancipate Alaska from the United States.
People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones…..
Moron. End of story.
Vote for Obama.
eir says
i think you answered your own question. it's not a big deal that she said it. so why keep on it? but if you look at a map, russia IS pretty close to alaska.
reader says
Are you saying that –
No, it couldn't be….
Palin lied?
Ok, that tears it.
Marysia says
as the gov of alaska the state is her "house". are people really that stupid. that's like people in michigan saying they can see canada from theirs.
so do you really think darth vader was real and really was luke skywalkers father?!
DAR says
She actually never said that. In noting how close she was to Russia she said there is an Alaskan ISLAND from which you can see Russia.
Still not long on foreign policy experience, but I don't care because I'm for dismantling the empire, in any event.
CHAR L says
She is an IDIOT like McCain and BUSH
Yet people want UNEDUCATED people in the WHITE HOUSE and they call OBAMABOT'S UNEDUCATED
gatorboymike says
Russia is the name of her pet moose.
floridaman39us says
It was a joke. She can't really see Russia from her house. She meant that Alaska is close to Russia.
Natalie the Atheist says
When she said that she was trying to prove she had foreign policy experience. Kind of a dumb thing to say, but I still don't think we should make a big deal of it. There are more important problems of hers that we should focus on…
Kamunyak says
Shh this was her only foreign policy "experience".
Melissa A,
Actually she did say that. It is a direct quote.
Left Media Eats Brai says