Question by Pastor Winthrop III: Why is it ok for the West to recognize Kosovo but not for Russia to recognize Abkhazia and Ossetia?
The Albanian Kosovans tried to break away from Serbia and the West bombed the Serbs and have just recognized Kosovo as independent.
The Abkhazians and Ossetians tried to break away from Georgia and the West did nothing as the Georgians massacred them. Then when Russia intervened to help them ( many of whom hold Russian passports) , *they* became the “aggressor”?!
The Georgian President has inflicted ruin on his nation through his military adventure. Why does the West not condemn *him* and not Russia?
Answers and Views:
Answer by ?
Because it’s our team. If you want to join the Russians, I’m sure they’ll take you.
Add your own answer in the comments!
biljer18 says
First of all Serbians never broke any human right laws, they only killed when they were being shot at. You want to say that Serbs massacred Albanians, are you nuts?, Serbian girl could not walk down the street in Kosovo cause of fear that Albanians might rape her. That's why there were only 10 % Serbs in Kosovo left, cause Albanians made life for the remaining Serbs miserable.
US is the one that wants to rule the world, Russia is simply trying to help the Abkhazians and Ossetians. That's why in the news they are making Russians look bad while behind the camera US is helping to make conflict grow, so they could come in as peacekeepers and take the natural resources from that country.
truthmaster says
Because the Serbians were commiting genocide and ethnic cleansing in Kosovo. Sadly, the rebels who are being funneled arms by Russia to foment trouble in Georgia's 2 states of South Ossetia and Abkhazia are commiting genocide and ethnic cleansing (with Russian help) against Georgians as well. Learn the truth.
Ted says
You are the most clever american I know!
The biggest war is the propaganda war and Russia actually lost that war.So now everything is "ok"
jakeb says
US supports puppet governments and Russia supports puppet governments. Both countries only care for their own intrests.
BLIMEY!! Ironik says
That's the double standards of the West. We should be used to it by now. The West is not going to condemn the Georgian president because the West and Georgia are on the same side. The US backed the actions of Georgia when they tried to take the South Ossetia capital, they US supplied weapons to Georgia and trained the Georgian military just weeks before the Georgian attack. From this many are saying that it's pretty obvious that the US gave the go ahead to the Georgians to take action. So why exactly would the West condemn the Georgian leader. He is their partner. Their friend. Their puppet.
Jeeeeesus says
Because the US promised Georgian president to help him out with the breakaway republics. In turn, Georgian president Saakasvilli promised the US ally (UK) oil.
It is called American justice.
Optimum Physique says
Because, unfortunate as it is, most people don't see it as the same thing because we did it for the advancement of "democracy", so it must be right.
Not my way of thinking because I feel the same way that you do.
Phil M says
Do you like receiving hand jobs? do you like giving hand jobs?
Then you're a hypocrite too
(H&K escape from guan)
While I agree with your view here, this is just one of those things you chalk up to "it is what it is"
not Prince Hamlet says
Why is it ok for the US to have thousands of nuclear weapons and then tell Iran it can't have a nuclear program?
ken s says
I have to defer to bill clinton it was his idea to go into kosovo without senate or un approval .