Question by balbes: Why is it Ok for Israel to invade Lebanon but not for Russia to go to Georgia?
When a couple of years ago Israel had the conflict with Lebanon over few soldiers getting killed, they attacked Lebanon. Nobody called Israel as too aggressive and it got the support of US. Why is Russia called too aggressive?
Answers and Views:
Answer by Put_waste_in_its_place
Missiles weren’t fired every day for several years from Georgia into Russia.
What do you think? Answer below!
theindian says
For once can people think that it could be Israel the root of all problems… rather than Lebanon, Egypt, Iran, Palestine, etc, etc.
for more info:
Sean G says
Vlad- Hezbollah kidnapped Israeli soldiers and fired missiles in to northern Israeli villages and towns. These missiles were aimed at innocent civilians- Also, Israel sent warnings to the civilians of Lebanon telling them to evacuate, and that Israel was going to invade, because they were at war with Hezbollah, not Lebanon. By warning the civilians, they took out the element of surprise making themselves vulnerable.
The real questions is, why has Russia funded Syria, Iran and Lebanon? Are they asking for trouble,
you asked the question to make Israel look like the bad guy, when It is Russia that is the trouble maker
? says
Both were defensive moves. It was legal for both.
? says
because the American media is pro American… the Georgians attacked first and they did attack Russians as there were russian peace keepers between the georgians and the ossetians. simple but the russians did overreact a bit.
Call Me Bwana says
Israel was attacked by Hizbollah who are the defacto government of Southern Lebanon. Attacking military outposts across established borders has always been considered an act of war. This isn't a subtle or nuanced point.
Russia has been actively helping the South Ossetes resist and rebel against the government of Georgia. South Ossetia was rightfully considered an area in rebellion, and the Russians have not be acting in good faith here. Their plan of attack was too planned to have been a spur of the moment thing, the forces were in place, etc. They did precipitate the incident by advancing armored columns into South Ossetia while the Georgian goverment was trying to reestablish control over the area.
The main difference is that Israel did it in response to an unprovoked attack on its territory, and did so not to seize control of any land, but to reduce the attackers' capability for further violence.
Russia's actions were not similarly justified or justifiable.
ALunaticFriend says
Russia has been lobbing arms into Georgia to cause a counter attack by the Georgians. Russia is the Lebanese in this attack not the Israelies.
sombrpoil says
there is also Kuwait and Kosovo case
Being allies with US helps you on US media to be depaint as a victim or invador.
However , Georgia case is treat differently on rest of the world media. Lebanon,kuwait and Kosovo were treat the same way by all media around the world
jeeper_peeper321 says
Lebanon attacked israel, or terrorist in lebanon attacked israel and the government of lebanon did nothing to stop or prevent the attacks.
I don't remember georgia attacking Russia, or any group in georgia, attacking russia.
Do you ?
Mimi says
Israel and Lebenon have been fighting for decades about the HOLY land that both of them feel is theirs. So when fighting broke out between the two nobody did anthing because religion played a factor.
But between Russia and Georgia, my understanding was the was no basis or reason of Russia invading,
How_Would_I_Know says
Probably because Georgia never sent a single soldier into Russia.
Conservative werewol says
In what way does Georgia theaten Russia's security? Why won't liberals flat out admit it that the hate Jews? They start making silly comments about Israel, but in reality they cover up their own anti-semitism.
nathan f says
Georgia didn't kill Russian soldiers. I guess you answered your own question.
Rafael T says
israel wasnt at war with lebanon, they were at war with terrorists in hezbollah.