Question by : Why is it that the first human in space was a COMMUNIST – Russian Yuriy Gagarin? First woman in space was COMM?
UNIST too. Why?
We cannot change it. First humans in space were COMMUNISTS. Why?????? Is it because COMMUNISM is the only thing that unites us with GODS?
And the only thing that unites US with Devil is CAPITALISM which is the wars and stupid greed?
Answers and Views:
Answer by Morpheus
The fact that they were communists doesn’t have much to do with them being the first in space. Communism is something that should not be either feared nor envied. It is a wonderful system on paper that falls apart on application. However, it is not some evil presence lurking behind every corner, trying to destroy our precious free enterprise. It is just another form of government.
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̲̲۪̲̲A̲̲̲̲۫N̲̲̲̲۫۰̲̲И̲̲̲̲۫А̲̲̲̲۫ ̲̲ says
Q: “… Is it because COMMUNISM is the only thing that unites us with GODS?”
A: BWHAHAHA! This one is.. Just.. Priceless! lol
FourPoundHammie says
Cause at that time 50-70% of the earth was commie
Mike says
Are you really this small? Feel sad for you. Who cares if communists were first.
BTW communism tried to abolish religion, that’s why so many Russians fled to other countries. So your little God comment is completely wrong too. Get educated.
Mr. Smartypants says
They were Russians, not necessarily communists. Are all Americans capitalists?
First they sent up an unmanned satellite and they called it Sputnik.
Then they sent up a dog and called it Mutnik.
Then they sent up a man and a woman and they called it a Picnic.