Question by The Notorious B.I.G: Why is Russia a permanent member of the UN security counsil?
And what do the 5 members France, US, UK, China, and Russia even do. I know they cannot be stoped due to veto power, is it really a good idea to allow Russia veto power. I think they should be asked to step down and be replaced by India, Germany, or Israel. What do you think about Russia’s position in the UN?
Answers and Views:
Answer by mlbjock_58
france,russia and the uk and the u.s..s. were all”plank” members(founding members)of the such they are the only permanent members which gives them veto power,unless the charter is amended each retains the power
What do you think? Answer below!
linkod2008 says
Israel instead of Russia?
I suggest to remove therefrom the USA and the Great Britain. On their place to put Hazbola both Venezuela and Iran.
Lord Britain says
the Original members were france, usa, uk, the republic of china and the soviet union. Communist china won the civil war and took the chinese seat, and russia succeeded the soviet union. If the UK breaks up England will take it's place, even if it becomes a fascist radical asian supremest state.
james h says
because when the security council was first formed, all members were given a permanent seat on it.
The importance of the seat is overrated. The security council disagrees on many issuess. The US often is at odds with China and Russia on issues that get to the security council for a vote. When all members do not unanimously agree, then the UN cannot do anything except to negoitiate further. The instances of deadlock lead to unilateral actions.
Bibs says
The selection of the veto power for certain big powers was a compromise worked out when the UN was formed. The Soviet Union was a major world power at that time. When the Soviet Union impolded, Russia got that seat. They are still a major power to be reckoned with. We must treat them with respect. They are an unpredictable force, because of their internal problems. The people in the Kremlin use foreigners as a scape goat for their own inadequacies. It is a big mess and a very dangerous situation for a world war. Do not poke the bear in the eye with a stick.