Question by casey: Why is Russia all of a sudden eager to sign a nuclear arms pact?
As our country’s government and economy makes the change to socialism it is obvious that Russia has the upper hand. Why now would they be eager to talk.
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Answer by Fishguy
Because they know with the new weak administration, they can get almost anything they ask for in exchange for their “cooperation”.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
It`s way deeper than that…It`s all part of telling the American people socialists like Obama are the way to go…Americans making america weak from within…Not that amazing actually.
You're missing something and you seem like the type that loses the forest in the trees so I don't really feel like explaining it to you.
booman17 says
Because the infants are in charge in the US and they know it would be like stealing candy from a baby.
subwm4bush says
All of the sudden? We have had negotiations on nukes for decades.
MKC says
you don't think it has something to do with taking defensive missiles off their border do you? nah couldn't be.
russia would be far better off without having another arms race and it just so happens that the world would be too.