Question by : Why is Russian a popular language to learn in Japan?
Why is the Russian language a popular language to learn? I live in Japan but I noticed that most all the Russian language books are out every month when I go to the bookstore.
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Answer by Mr. Wolf
Because Russia is part of Asia. There fore there is probley a few Russians you will meet up with someday. And you may need it.
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zirp says
Is it? Well the first reason is the geographical proximity to the russian republic.
The second might be that Russian is considerably easier to learn than the other close languages: chinese(s) and korean [it's true for native speakers of english, I don't know to what extent the same goes for native speakers of japanese]
susan says
Probably because they are dreaming about Kuril Islands and maybe a little bit more than just Kuril Islands))
Von steuped Kid says
Same reason some Koreans take up Russian names, – "opposites attract".
rocket says
German is popular. 68% japanese study german.