Question by Robert A: Why is the west being so hypocritical over Russia’s recognition of the two break away republics?
Didn’t the west recently recognise the breakaway area of Serbian territory of Kosovo?? The West does protest too much. Russia is fed up with the arrogant US right wing who hate anyone who doesn’t kowtow to Uncle sam. Russia is merely following recent western examples and listening to the demands of freedom for the two breakaway regions.
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Answer by Adam B
Except the West didn’t help Kosovo gain independence only to annex it. In fact, the West only intervened to stop the slaughter of civilians – the Russians, on the other hand, actively helped start the civil war to begin with by encouraging and arming the rebels.
We need to be clear about this: the Russians couldn’t care less about the South Ossetians. These people aren’t Russian; they’re not even Slavic. Russia’s interest in Ossetia and Abkhazia is purely in punishing Georgia for having the nerve to actually believe that it is an independent state. Ossetia will become a Russian puppet state just as Trans-Dniester is now.
What do you think? Answer below!
biljer18 says
Its wrong for the UN to give away Kosovo, cause its a Serbian providence its not some other part outside of Serbia. Its like giving away Texas to Mexicans cause there are too many of latinos in it. Same thing with Kosovo only 10% Serbs in it the main language has become Albanian, and instead of them thanking Serbs for letting them live there they made lives for the remaining Serbs miserable until they gained their Independence which they did not fight for it of got it fairly but some third party from who knows where, the UN just signed a peace of paper and it gave Albanians Serbian providence. What's the next peace of Serbian land that will be for auction?
Georgia would never start attacking a big country like Russia if they didn't have the US support. US has everything to gain if they could create a war between Russia and the neighboring countries. If Russia became smaller then the US would rule the whole world. US the capital country of the world. Look what happened to former Yugoslavia. There was peace and brotherhood until a war was created that made everyone hate each other and thousands of lives lost, and smaller more weaker countries were born, that cant defend themselves. The US wants full control of the world. Russia is still one big force the US cant control and they never liked Russia, just for being such a big country.
Val says
You're right, but I don't think it's Russia who follows western examples, it's more likely both Abkhazia and S.Ossetia. Those regions had struggled for independence for all the last century at least, and this example of Kosovo just inspired them to continue their attempts.
And the west is hypocritical and cynic indeed. I think it's because it wants a confrontation with Russia.
? says
If the regions really want Union with Russia then fine, if the want to remain free and independent counties in their own right then Russia should get out. In any event it should leave whatever remains of Georgia
Jay K says
You must not realize that Georgia has oil pipelines being made that bypasses Russia. Of course we're gonna protest. And Russia's gonna try to find a way to get at those pipelines.