Question by Geyamala: why many writers, artists made works inspired by socialism but not a single work made adulating capitalism?
Gorky, Jack London, Pablo Neruda, Rolf fox, Christopher Caldwell Srisri, ,Mayakovsky,in literature and charlie Chaplin,Pablo Picasso Noam Chomsky , Erich Fromm et al in movies, art and several fields, we can find several famous people who did their works praising socialism .
But is there any great novelist or musician, painter who adulated capitalism? what is the reason?
Answers and Views:
Answer by justm399
ayn rand….writer
and there was an awful george harrison song about money….
Read all the answers in the comments.
What do you think?
Aliahmad says
Socialism is a good formula for people and in nineteenth century and twentieth century most of the writers and artists develops its formula from their pen and action. But like Ayn Rand and Atlas writers looks like to save capitalism.
cavassi says
I believe it is because socialism lends itself to thoughts of romanticism and pictuersque fields. Capitalism seems cold and calculating.
Dr.John L says
Unfortunately there are quite a few, Ayn Rand, Ernest Van den Haag, Adam Smith, Malthus, Bruce Willis,William Buckley, Joaquin Balaguer, Ben Affleck, Murray Rothbard, Edmund Burke, Solzenitcin,Ludwig Von Mises, Milton Friedman, Judge Posner,Walter Williams,
Katlynnelore says
I think there was a document written over 200 years ago. I believe it was the constitution.
It was written for freedom of the individual. It's kind of boring, but if understood it sure is inspiring.
bg b says
In socialist system writers and alike have special place and are part of special elite, because quite often they prefer status symbol to their intellectual works.
In a capitalist society intellectual works must compete with free market rules, in a socialist society they have advantage their work is marketed by the regime.
When URSS was a superpower, many writers and artists were rich and famous because of the affiliation with the system, to vanish for goods when the regime collapsed
sds514 says
I think because the fundamental principle of socialism is noble; We care for everyone, while the fundamental principle of capitalism is savage; every man for himself.
Capitalism while semi-functional is not al all inspiring.
Mr. Con says
Crapitalism is stifling. Those 3-piece stuffed shirts don't have an artistic clue.
kadiss17 says
George Orwell.
Ayn Rand.
HD Thoreau
NeoLibs are Pathogen says
Many artists believe their artistic worth is more important than the capitalist market's assessment. Many are socialists believing themselves worthy of a great paycheck for doodling all day. Their true value is only assigned by the free markets, and this scares most "artists" of questionable talent.
Also, many of the artist you mentioned were more populist than socialist. Socialism was the biggest patron of the day, why not exploit the master and glorify his existence. German artists glorified fascism too. Does that make them fascists?
Who is John Galt?
Those inspired by capitalism tend to become business owners and entrepreneurs, not lazy artists. It is they who inspire the world through innovation and jobs.
Orion says
So, basically if you are an artist you have political credibility? Do actors and politicians too? I don't think that this is relevant as I am sure that the quacks who are into such things that have always flocked together and reacted to everything as the pull-string trendbots that they are have always been liberals.
There are few in Hollywood that can admit to being conservative as you are ultimately blacklisted by the tolerating / open-minded left.
Harry C says
There are some that do. Take Atlas Shrugged for example. The fact is Capitalism is not an ideal system that impowers the already powerful and inhibits the already weak. It is a faulty system that needs constant monitering in order to function. In essence it is not much to be inspired about.
</truth> says
There's Ayn Rand. Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged contain terrible philosophy and are unreadable tripe, but she's well known.
David G says
Likely, it's because books that state the obvious don't sell well.
Although you might want to check out Mark Levin's "Liberty and Tyranny".
It's been 13 weeks at number 1 on the NYT Best Seller List.
Clayton A says
You haven't researched all of the writers and artists, you are a true Socialist aren't you!
jbbrant1 says
Most of those were tortured souls, and since socialism is a bleak and dark place…they drew on that for inspiration!