Question by James: Why is the Russian military considered one of the best in the world?
Its reasonably big. But most of the troops are weak farm boys drawn in by the draft. The technology is 20 years behind the times. Does the russian military excel in some area? What weapons or technololgy surpass what americans use?
Answers and Views:
Answer by rotorgiant47
they are not considered one of the best, they may have held that prior to the dissolution of the baltic states, but no more.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
9080706 says
Russians don’t consider themselves the best… Russians battle for the country, for the relatives, children and mothers! !
Everything attacking Russia. as a result lost the territory.
– Battle for Height 776 (Wiki)
Strength: 200 jihadists vs 91 russia paratroopers!!!
Casualties and losses:
Jihadists: 400–500 killed
Russia: 84 killed
– Dead Men Attack. Army of the Russian Empire defend the fortress to the last
– Battle for Hill 3234
– Golden Horde vs Russia
– Napoleon’s army suffered defeat in Russia. 1812
– Hitler’s army suffered defeat in Russia. Kursk fight, Fight near Moscow, the
Battle of Stalingrad, Fight for Leningrad, Liberation of Poland, Capture of Berlin, Fight for the Czech Republic, Fight for Minsk, Fight for Ukraine, Fight for the Caucasus, Fight for Odessa, Fight for Smolensk, Battle of Kharkov.
-Russian-Japanese war
-Russian-Swedish wars: 1142—1164, 1187, 1229, 1240, 1246—1250, 1293—1295, 1311—1323, 1348—1349, 1375—1396, 1479—1482, 1493, 1495—1497, 1510, 1554—1557, 1570—1582, 1590—1593, 1610—1613, 1614—1617, 1656—1658, 1700—1721, 1741—1743, 1788—1790, 1808—1809 years when there were wars (are more than 1200 fights for all the time)
– Russian-Turkish wars: 1568—1570, 1676—1681, 1686—1700, 1710—1711, 1735—1739, 1768—1774, 1787—1791, 1806—1812, 1821—1830, 1828—1829, 1853—1856, 1877—1878, 1914—1918 years when there were wars (are more than 1000 fights for all the time)
there is a lot of events…
Look at the world map
Diman says
They are very brave. Many examples.…
and film for this: