Question by corner of the morning: Why was trotsky murdered with an ice axe?
Was this supposed to be symbollic or something? Why not a gun or poison? It seems strange to me that one would bring an ice axe to mexico, but I’m asking as I assume there is more to the story than I know.
Answers and Views:
Answer by dukalink6000
It seems odd to me.
Why not a real axe?
I’m sure it was a symbolic murder/assassination
Hoever, I feel that becuase several attempts were botched, something more direct to ensure Leon’s demise was suggested.
Read all the answers in the comments.
What do you think?
Pablo says
It was an Ice axe indeed. The reason is simple. The house that Leon Trotsky bought near Mexico City, in the town of Coyoacan (nowadays it is part of Mexico City) was turn into a fortress.
it is quite easy to read that Stalin had one of his ghouls kill Trotsky, but it was not that simple. Trotsky had strong ties to the Mexican Government, specially to the presindent in office, Lazaro Cardenas. He visited mexico as a representativo of Lenin in the mid-twenties, and as a result when Stalin chased him out of europe, his natural choice was Mexico.
He bought a house, which is still standing on a square piece of land. One of the sides faced a river, Rio Churubusco, the other three faced two streets and an ochard in a very secluded part of a beautiful little town. Many foreigners, and many rich mexicans lived in this area at the time, It was more of a weekend spot, so they kew every person that might be around.
The house was already surrounded by a big wall, being this the custom in mexico for upscale homes, and he transformed it into a fortress. Vigilance towers were built on each corner, four snipers on each one at every time, on 12 hour shifts. the house's walls, built of volcanic stone, were covered with steel plates and then again with brick and mortar, becoming almost 6 feet wide at some points. Four more snipers were perched on the roof at all times, and the garden was attended by two gardeners and 2 assistants, which were in fact bodyguards.
The doors vere bank vault type, made from thick steel plates, and Trotsky's room does not have a window, and the two doors that can open into it, can be shut from the inside with six steel deadbolts each.
Asides from Trotsky's Russian security personnel, Mexican Army's troops patroled arond the block, al day long, non-stop. and the Mexican secret police had the house under surveillance at all times.
Mercader posed as a journalist, he had to gain Trotsky's trust, and he was frisked everytime that he went into the house. At first, the meetings were with Trotsky speaking through a small orifice on his bedroom door, and a bodyguard standing by Mercader on the other side; after several months, and with the intervention of the Mexican Comunist Party, Trotski started to trust in Mercader, and eventually they met for coffee on Trotski's garden every afternoon.
One day Trotsky wanted Mercader to see something he was writing, and invited Mercader to join him in his room, where his working space was set. As Mercader had been frisked and removed of most of his belongings as he came into the house, he looked for a weapon in Trotsky's room, he saw the ice axe, took it from a bookcase, and struck Trotsky's head with it, at least 5 times in the back of the skull.
He tried to flee the scene, only to be shot to death by one of the bodyguards. Leon Trotsky was prompted to a hospital and died almost a week later.
Calvin of China says
He actially caught it with the old style ice pick. But you must already realize that history is factual as long as the information provided is accurate.
chrstnwrtr says
I don't know but he was bumped off because Stalin feared that he would rise to power above him so Trotsky was murdered "mafia style." Lenin's last note mentions that Stalin shouldn't have too much power because of his personality (he suggested that Trotsky should be in power instead).
Stalin was paranoid and had his closest advisors killed to make sure they weren't too powerful. This is ironic, considering that in his earlier years, Stalin hated priviledge and several years later, he instilled a blood purge of his government advisors to make sure that he was top dog of Soviet Russia.
Randy says
From a 1980 article by Lynn Walsh. The entire article can be found at the source link:
Personally, I believe that he was the best of the bunch.
On 20 August, 1940, Trotsky was struck a fatal blow with an ice-pick by Ramon Mercader, an agent sent to Mexico by Stalin's secret police (the GPU) to murder the exiled revolutionary—alongside Lenin, the leader of the October revolution, the founder and leader of the Red Army, and the co-founder of the Third, Communist International.
Trotsky's assassination was not just a malicious after-thought on the part of Stalin.
It was the culmination of a systematic and bloody terror directed against a whole generation of Bolshevik leaders, and against the young revolutionaries of a second generation prepared to defend the genuine ideas of Marxism against the bureaucratic, repressive regime developing under Stalin.
By the time the GPU reached Trotsky in 1940, they had already murdered— or driven to suicide—many members of Trotsky's family, scores of his closest friends and collaborators, and countless numbers of the leaders and supporters of the International Left Opposition.
Despite the murder of a whole generation of Bolshevik-Leninists, however, and the bureaucracy's Herculean efforts to bury the ideas and historical personality of Trotsky under a mountain of distort ions, lies, slanders, and grotesque historical fabrication, Trotsky's ideas have never had more relevance or more appeal to working-class activists than they have today, at the beginning of the 1980s, when there is unmistakably a perspective of new revolutionary developments in the advanced capitalist countries, the underdeveloped lands of the ex-colonial world, and the deformed workers' states of Russia and Eastern Europe.
kit walker says
It was an ice pick.An assassin can easy conceal a long ,ultra thin blade and introduced into the back of the neck causing a quick and silent kill. I think it was a hit. Stalin wasn't stallin'.
jared g says
alas, poor leonid (leon), i knew him well—"one of the boys", if you catch my drift, and a scorpio, to boot. certainly not a dull fellow. showed no interest in nascar, at all, or fundamentalist religion. as i recall, one of stalin's henchperson's killed him. i am not aware of any sybolism, but it was an unusual choice. stalin, a true psychopath, who makes karl rove look like mother teresa, may have given instructions to make the event as unpleasant as possible–he had a very sadistic streak, afterall.