Question by qalfazarath: Why was Gorbachev awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1990?
Why was it Gorbachev and not Reagan who was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize?
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Answer by leighericam
its called dummy
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spudbites says
The Nobel committee always selects world leaders whenever possible to demonstrate what they should aspire to.
bramandu says
When the Soviet Union was falling apart, he could have ordered his troops to slaughter everyone who was rebelling, or launched nukes at the US (if the USSR is going to colapse, might as well destroy America while they still can). Instead, he let the USSR collapse without offering any resistance. says
Because he offered eliminating all nuclear weapons. He also changed to make peace with the USA. He was a reformer.
krollohare2 says
Glasnost was the theme. He basically de-escalated and thawed Soviet/Western relations and opened up to Europe and the West.
His tactic was not bullying but negotiations.
Therefore, unlike the old hard-liners, he acted rationally and openly in a way that made more sense without triggering nuclear war.
zgamestoo says
Because he let Berlin Wall go down, thus ending Soviet Union domination in Eastern Europe, without violence.