Question by demilizzie: Why was Rasputin so unpopular amongst the Russian People?
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Answer by Ryan C
It was rumored that he was having an affair with the czar’s wife
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romanov1918 says
It started with his access to the Royal Family. They treated him well because he was able to calm the heir during his bleeding episodes, thus slowing the bleeding. But the public never knew this, since the family felt it would be bad for the public to know the heir was not healthy, it would cause coups. Rasputin then would speak of the family like he was having relations with Alexandra and the daughters, which wasnt true. He was a drunk, which made the prestige of the family look bad. He received gifts of nice clothes and gold crosses from the family, and a big expensive apartment. People resented this dirty, smelly, foul mouthed, always trying to have sex with women so-called religious man having personal audiences with the Tsar's and his family. Not only that, Alexandra listened to anything he told her, she felt he was responsible for her son being alive (in contrast to her guilt at his sickness coming from her). If a minister said one bad thing about him, he ran to Alexandra and complained, and she would bother Nicholas until the minister was fired. Then Rasputin would recommend men fo the positions that were totally inept, and the public resented this. Leaflets appeared showing Rasputin with Nicholas and Alexandra naked and kneeling at his feet, while calling Rasputin "Grishka", which was a mocking of his name. Eventually, Rasputin was killed by members of the Royal family and a minister, much to the delight of everyone. But it was too late to save the integrity of the Romanov name. The Revolution was only 3 months away.