Question by : Why was lenin more important than bismarck?
I doesn’t matter if he wasn’t i just need to talk about how he was. Please help
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Answer by Tjeerd
Lenin created what we call the Sovjet Union.
For more information Google is your friend mate.
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Nate Rostomiejski says
This very much depends on perspective and context.
Lenin was the leader of the Bolsheviks, which later became the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. He founded Soviet Russia, which later became the Soviet Union when the Bolsheviks won the Russian Civil War and amalgamated the various Soviet Republics established when the Russian Empire collapsed as a result of the Russian Revolutions of 1917.
He also rebuilt the Russian economy through various policies. Regarding his global importance, he was in favour of world revolution: examples of his plans for world revolutions included the Polish-Soviet War of 1920 and the failed revolutions in Germany and other parts of Europe. He later supported revolutions in third world countries.
Bismarck was the Chancellor of the Kingdom of Prussia and later the Chancellor of the German Empire. He was the primary political force behind the unification of Germany under the leadership of the Kingdom of Prussia. He was also the primary force behind "Realpolitik", a policy approach to establish Prussia's dominance in Germany and Europe as well as to secure peace in the region through various alliances.
curmudgeon55 says
Bismark unified German staats into Staat, then was relatively peacefully developing Germany with minimal outside activity- french didn't bother him, he wasn't going to bother french, etc. . Lenin was revolutionary agitator that got russians out of WW1 and then tried to start world revolution, was big pain in as* to lot of countries along with Trotsky- killed in Mexico 1930s. Lenin's new economic policy was Russian development for later wars, not a internal only activity.
jamesedorman says
This is completely subjective. Basically, you would have to say that the founding of the Soviet Union had a greater impact on world history than that of Imperial Germany. Unless I write your essay for you there's not much more I can say. You could say that Lenin founded not only a country, but an ideology: Marxist-Leninism, whereas Bismarck founded a country that was based on preexisting ideologies and resistant to change. Hope that helps. Email me if you want some more advice.