Question by Valerie H: why were the russian revolutionaries such as trotsky, lenin so attracted to karl marx and his ideas?
pleeeeeease help me. i have been looking for this answer forever.
and i cant find it.
i shall keep trying, but in the mean time. 🙂
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Answer by James B
I’m no economist as I’ve only had one economics class but I think you’ll find your answer if you concentrate on his economic ideas. Maybe this link will shed some light on his thoughts. He was dead against capitalism and all for socialism.
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A. T. says
No doubt the Russian revolutionaries, such as Leon Trotsky and Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, were so attracted to Karl Marx and his ideas because in Marx they found someone who made it his life's work to encourage and inspire people onward to victories of consciousness over the blind forces, and teach cooks to run the state.
"The historic ascent of humanity, taken as a whole, may be summarized as a succession of victories of consciousness over blind forces – in nature, in society, in man himself."
Leon Trotsky
"Any cook should be able to run the country. Every cook has to learn how to govern the state.
Vladimir Ilyich Lenin