Question by saved: Will America ever make an assault rifle better than the AK47?
I mean the m16 is a bit more accuret and has a alittle longer range but at closer combat the AK has more devastation. Why does America not just use the AK47? Sure terrorist and communist use it but so does Isreal. Please give me a good solid answer.
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Answer by ducky aka Mr Duck
we have
the AK47 isn’t even half as good as the M-14
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Section 2 Wrestling says
ak has the stopping power of a machine pistol, a 9mm. so yes we have and no its not devastating, but the germans will ALWAYS be ahead of the rest of us in firearms
Mark F says
We do. The M16/M4 family is the choice of professional shooters the world over. The AKM (the AK47 went out of production in 1959) is the choice of uneducated conscripts and teenagers the world over.
How would I know says
Read your own post. The M-16 is better at some things, the AK47 is better at others. Neither is better than the other overall.
And FYI Israel's modern assault rifle is the TAR-21, which replaces the Galil ARM.
jadamgrd says
We do. The AK is cheap to stamp out the parts. Thats what makes it the the most commonly used "assault" rifle. But is is NOT a better combat rifle.
JeJemon says
cuz AK47's are for the bad guys
the standard issue rifle should be the ACR.. and not becuz its my favorite in COD
Ray says
You think Israel uses the AK-47?
Tallen says
Modern assault rifles are better (i.e more accurate, lighter, more powerful) than the AK-47 but nothing can quick compete against it for its usability, simplicity and reliability.
mnbvcxz52773 says
Because its a piece of junk in general.
It is not devastating up close.
The big reason that the insurgents went to IED was that they were being devastated by our marksmanship at mid-ranges. They couldn't get close enough for the AK47 to be useful. We were killing them between 50 meters and 250 meters. They would burn entire magazines with the AK47 and not hit a thing at those ranges.
In the hands of trained person, the M16 series far outmatches the AK47. Using the AK47 would handicap us in our ability to hit targets at middle ranges.
Also, the 7.62×39 is a horrible round. Even the Russians have stopped using it for something similar to the 5.56mm. They now use a 5.54mm.
redleg_army says
I suppose YOU have actually used both and YOU have actually seen both used in combat…I mean seeing how you are making a statement and all…
I have…
rinfrance says
The AK 47 is old hat cr4p. Its like saying will there ever be a better car than a Ford model "T".
The AK47 is slow, inaccurate and clumsy. Its only good bit is its cheap. The thing could be made anywhere and bits from one weapon be used on another making for a weapon that could be even dangerous to the user.
I would bet the only thing you have ever fired is an elastic band catapault at school.
Do some research, fire a load of weapons and then ask. Each modern weapon has its atributes.
Trawler, troll of ga says
try a roadmarch with both of them. then come back and confront your back pains with your Call of duty experience.
eventually you will realise that arms design, much like all other hitech technology is art of compromise. M16 leans towards accuracy. AK47 leans towards illiterate ragheads shooting bursts into the air. go figure.
Chewy Ivan 2 says
We already do. Rifle technology has progressed quite a bit since 1947.
David says
there are better, more sophisticated assault rifles around. the ak47 is the one you store under the floor for ten years. you then pull it out, load, and shoot. some american special forces prefer the ak47. it it also very inexpensive to build.