Question by SouthernGuy: Do you think John McCain will most likely re-start the cold war with Russia?
For years McCain has been in Puttin’s face talking crap about Russia, and he has even tried to kick them out of the G8. If he becomes the President, he will surely be rough with Russia and I’m afraid he may re-start the cold war. Do you think that McCain could re-start the cold-war with Russia?
Answers and Views:
Answer by why be normal
Only if they keep ignoring the will of other Nations. And then i say more power to him…
What do you think? Answer below!
here_lies_freedom says
Yes, I feel McCain will finish up where Bush left off. I don't like either candidate much, but I'd rather take a chance with Obama than keep things the way they are with McCain.
sasil85 says
I doubt it. Mccain is a moron at best. The guy says all Americans are behind Georgia. Sorry bud not even close. I don't support state sponsored terrorism. And I don't support nations like Pakistan, Saudis, and Georgia who are nothing more than terrorist nations that dumb right wing nut jobs believer are democracies. Russia was defending its people just like we do. Sorry Mr. Mccain I don't support you or your love of terrorist nations.
nolan3248 says
I'd worry if Obama becomes President he won't do anything and let the country spiral out of control worst then it is now just like the Democratic led congress which happens to have the worst approval rating in history! Yea Liberals!
Alex says
I don't think McCain would restart the cold-war with Russia but would start an actual war with Russia. Who would back Russia? It would be Russia against the world.
Russian forces taunted the retreating Georgian forces by saying they had received "American training in running away."
If we destroy Russia the US would dominate the world even more than we already do. China is nowhere close to the top. A communist country will never be #1.
Taylor says
If, He was voted in as president, he would for sure get us in a war with Russia!!
But I don't think McCain will be the president!
Obama 08 ……no more wars!!
kglover86 says
No because he will not become president.
vtsztpu says
Russia has already started it.
Theo N says
Do you have any concept of international issues??? Before posting your uneducated opinions and passing them off as a legitimate question try getting educated on the subject. Russian is attempting to overthrow a democratically elected government who is a US ally. The bigger question is why do you think the US should sit quietly and allow an ally who has the only non-Russian controlled oil pipeline in Eastern Europe to be conquered?
JundaKell says
Doubtful. Russia is going for it on their own. McCain has warned Russia and he's the only one who has. McCain knows what he's doing unlike Buttock Obama.
McCain IS our new president.
drusteele says
Obviously. John McCains first response to any international crisis is physical action and not diplomacy.
With McCain as President America will be at war for a very long time.
Wake up! says
Have you been living under a rock? I am not trying to be insulting, but the cold war is already effect and this time around the Russians are fighting to win.
abercrombie_chic08 says
No, I don't think he will re-start the Cold War.
eyeofra1969 says
Being stern with Russia shouldn't start another Cold War. Unless of course they want to in the first place. We bailed them out in the 1990's with billions of dollars and now they are acting like they are the big dogs by trampling Georgia. Screw the Russians! We don't owe them anything.
Real Grit says
It is a very dangerous world out there. If we are naive about it, we'll get our a__ kicked. We need McCain, he's been around a while longer and knows the danger.
Sister blue eyes says
I would rather we stand up to Russia than let them push us around.
Perhaps you forgot of all the Russian military jets what kept flying deep into our airspace near Alaska.
Perhaps you didn't hear about the US fishing boat in international waters that was boarded by the Russian Navy even though their GPS proves they were well outside Russian waters….
King Of Perk says
The New Cold War has already begin instead of a battle between two ldeologies (capitalism v. communism) its going to be a pure battle for number 1. This war is going to be much more dangerous. And we the US have to face the fact that Russia is threat # 1. Not China, not the middle east. Russia is the only country that will mischievously undermine our policy and for that they must be wiped out of the map. I hope one of the two presidential nominees can realize this.
gbravo04 says
So…. instead, we should allow them to strong arm former states of the Soviet Union and to kill as many people as they wish? I'm sure Obama would be itching to let that happen. Oh wait, Obama followed McCain and took the same stance against Russia on the Georgian attacks.
Just Me says
I think that Putin re-started that a few years ago. Have you not been paying attention?
jero says
The fool is already getting into a fighting stance. Tell the midget to stop being grumpy
Carpe diem says
I think McCain would be better off learning to start a defibrillator.
Liberal Tango says
No, and your diatribe is a bunch of BS. Go out side and play young child, you know nothing of politics.