Question by Alex from Moscow, Russia: What is your opinion? Do you think Mr Putin will come to office again in Russia after Mr Medvedev?
And one more thing: Will Obama and the current Russian President Medvedev be political friends?
Answers and Views:
Answer by Hater Police
Of course. That’s why Putin put Medvedev in office.
What do you think? Answer below!
Jay J says
Yes and… he is already in power. He's just trying to hide it from the world. When he comes into power the red curtain will cover their nation again. they will ally with china and more than likely they will attack a powerful nation.
dima83 says
I think, that Putin will surely ran for next presidency, maybe Medvedev will ran also. Who will people choose, it is a question, but my bet that Putin will become president again. To me it is fine. I really don't get it, why everybody didn't like Medvedev as a succesor of Putin. Putin had no right to go for 3rd election, so he said: "I will not go, but I advise to choose mr. Medvedev" and people beleived him. What is bad about this? Why Putin has to go away? A lot of people in the West don't like him, but his 8 years of rule were a great success for the country. Elders receive pensions and don't go to garbage cans for food, salary are paid in time and not with 6 months delay. GDP rose 3 times. We in Russia love him very much for this (80% is the highest aproval rating of president of any country where you can ask people freely on the streets).
You don't like him and you want him to leave, that's ok, but it is for russians to decide and we choose Putin as the best that we have right now. When I will see any match for him (and now I don't see any match) I may choose somebody else. But for now he is the only one whom we believe after liberals of the 90's, that almost starved us to death.
Sikh says
The much power Vladimir Putin controls today, he could have another run for office however I am not so sure about political friendship between Russia and the United States expanding further. So my opinion is that keep patience you know and keep all hopes up for the best.
Poohcat1 says
I think Putin is still in charge….even if not officially. His policies are swinging Russia back to the old ways…so I doubt if he or Medvedev will be "friends" with Obama. Obama will talk to them…because he will want to try to prevent another cold war.
David_the_Great says
This is sad. Then, this is a Russian's internal affairs.
Ryan F says
Hater Police has it right… Medvedev is the world's most obvious puppet president…
Joe says
Obama will either be abused by Putin or obey Putin