Question by drew: Will you be celebrating Yuri Gagarin’s historic flight into space on April 12?
He was the first man in space, but maybe Americans don’t like to hear that because he was a Russian. This is the 50th anniversary of this historic event.
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Answer by Paul
I don’t think you should generalise about Americans like that, especially since the cold war ended years ago. I would like to think everyone with a half decent education (that is to say anyone who didn’t flunk out of school) would know about Yuri’s world changing flight.
I think I’ll celebrate by making a baking soda rocket with my son and telling him about Yuri Gagarin and the space race.
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Chandramohan P.R says
Russia is sending a Soyuz capsule with Gagarins name with three persons two Prussians and one American tio ISS from Baikannoor cosmodrome to celebrate the event.