Question by Vasuluki: Would a Dark-skinned, greek girl face a lot of racism in Russia?
I am planning to go to russia. I heard that there is severe racism towards people who don’t have white skin and most greeks have dark skin. So I was wondering, What places can a dark-skinned greek girl go without facing all this racism?
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Johan says
Act with confidence, Violent can happen in Greece aswell or any other country. Just act like normal.
You shuld be very unlucky if its happens..But yes, you dont need to be dark skin to get beaten.
Many white skin from cacasus get also beaten . I have friends from India living in Russia for over 3 years no mayor problem…Sure some people screaming to him to go home. But that can happen if you go to wrong part of India aswell! 🙂 Most of the russians i have meet is good people