Question by retaerik: Would Russia be better off today had it had Leon Trotsky than Joseph Stalin as leader?
Although Lenin did remind his peers before he died that Stalin should not be chosen over Trotsky, Stalin was still made leader although he was originally a Georgian and Trotsky was the real Russian. While Trotsly had done so many things for the Bolsheviks, he was later assassinated by a Stalinist.
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Answer by Mercer Devil
Yes, much, much better off.
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Sheep says
No. Trotsky was the genesis of "Top Down" communism that influenced systems like the Gulags.
Megan C says
I don't know. Trotsky was much smarter than Stalin but Lenin was quite terrible, too. Perhaps, Russia would have been better off with Leon Trotsky because Stalin was a paranoid who murdered 30 million of his own people during his reign of terror.
Golden says
yeah, better off. Trotsky was a true communist. Stalin was a sociopath like Hitler.
Track P says
Leon Trotsky was true communist, he believed that everyone (except few comrades) should live in labor camps.
Stalin was no communist, he was merely an opportunist.
And BTW Trotsky was not "the real Russian". He was Jewish.
Michael S says
And all of Europe would be better off if Hitler had never been born. But so what?