Question by Anonymous Noname: Would studying Russian in Russia affect my chances of getting a security clearance later?
I am a university student studying applied mathematics. I am an American and want to spend a month in Russia in a Russian immersion program. I would be living with a host family. Would this pose any risk to me getting a security clearance as a scientist later?
Answers and Views:
Answer by Bill M
I don’t think it would, unless you were selling secrets to the Russians. Learning the language could be an advantage.
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budding author says
I have no idea what a 'Russian immersion programme' is all about.
However I can tell you this:-
I am a Brit, I was a member of the British communist party, I was also a leading trade unionist within a large UK business.
I had been into politics for quite a few years, I thought the British left wing was not left wing enough, I joined the commies!
I became chairman of my local branch and stood for the local council, I didn't win , but in the meantime I had been arranging exchange visits between Russians and my local group , it was great.
The best night I ever had was at the place I worked, I got about 20 Russian into our local club, it was a sort of sing along. And when the Russians got up on the stage to do a few of their dances squatting down and kicking their legs around it was fantastic!!
However I digress.
Some years after this I applied for and got a job in a nuclear weapons place in the UK , it was around the time when no questions about religion or political leanings were allowed on the application form or during the interview. I got the job and started.
I was a contract worker employed via an agent, not employed directley by this weapons place.
I had been there about 6 months when I noticed two armed security guys standing at my desk, one asked my name, I told him, he said follow me please sir you must leave the premises now!" The other guy got behind me , I said let me clear my desk, they told me they would do that, I must leave now.
I left , I waited as instructed by the main entrance , they brought my gear from my desk, that was it I was out!
Their security check on my history had been completed I was a commie! I have worked for many years in other nuclear plants (not weapons related) with no hassle at all.
Now I know America is not biased towards Russia, in fact I think it would be safe to say they hate any form of socialism, even without having a clue what its all about.
So if its advice you are looking for then steer clear of russia.