Question by TheStreetTrader: Fav. Russian Food and Drink?
whats yours? mines gotta be either borsch or perogies and always kvass … perogies and kvas great breakfast hangover food too
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Answer by Edward N.
Blini with condensed milk
Kvas is definitely the favorite drink
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Rozmin says
I love Russian food! I think my favorite is okroshka. In the summer I could eat it every single day, and I practically do.
I like kvass, but not all kvass is of the same quality. Homemade is nice. But EXTREMELY wonderful on a summer day at the beach is a bottle of the kompot my BF's mom makes. It has lots of little red berries that I never, ever heard of or saw till I came to Ukraine. 🙂 I think I'm going with that as my favorite drink.
You're making me miss my favorite dishes of summer!
Tie Eater says
Oh, such tasty! I like all mentioned above!
But TIE – especially 😉
Inness T says
mines are okroshka, borsch with sour cream, golubtsi, kasha (grechka) with milk, varenie (jam) of any kind.
from drinks – kvas, kisel (esp. from oblepicha), kompot from dried fruits..
Ohh I'm heading to kitchen!…
NoRegrets says
Deffinetly all of those you mentioned : Pergoie with kartoshka or m'aso are awesome. i love kvas as a drink. Also Blini with varenye. Yum ! Vareniki with kartoshka, or Pelmeni with m'asa.! i like Ploff (the yellow rice with carrots and meat on the side)
Katleti are good
Grechnivaya kasha
Mannaya Kasha.
and the candy ! too many to choose from though.
..and much more
*this list just made me really hungry