Question by artmus: What is your opinion off Bulgakov’s “The Master and Margarita“?
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Answer by crowbird_52
An extremely difficult work to read. And I have read Solzhenitsyn and seem to understand him better.
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shrimplouie says
It is super! Bulgakov managed to get some of everything in the story- fantasy, irony, social criticism, romance, philosophy, religion, and humanism. It is one of the books I will continue re-reading for the rest of my life.
paganka78 says
I love it! It's full of allegories and that's what makes it so deep. I like the sense of humour, I like the whole concept.
It's one of the obligatory readings in Polish secondary schools, and I must say it was pleasure to fulfill this obligation.
There was a time when the book was forbiden and then it was censored, I'm glad there is no comunism in Poland anymore! 🙂
jlbackstop says
A "MUST" read!!! One of the ten greatest books written in the 20th century and a fantastic parody of Stalinism. I read it decades ago in both the English and German translation and can hardly recommend it highly enough in either translation — even reread it a few years ago with the same enthusiastic spirit! Start NOW and enjoy the streetcar ride in Moscow…