Question by : Why did Kerensky try to stop the Bolshevik Revolution? So, Kerensky's action was he tried to stop the Bolshevik takeover and persuade loyal soldiers around Petrograd to stop the revolution. But what are the reasons he did this? Thanks … [Read more...] about Why did Aleksandr Kerensky try to stop the Bolshevik Revolution?
What is a classic Russian food recipe?
Question by *starrynight*: can anyone give me a classic russian recipe? i need a recipe for some good russian food.. i have one for a desert and for pelmeni... anyone know of any other good recipes?? maybe a drink? Answers and Views: Answer by … [Read more...] about What is a classic Russian food recipe?
What are some Russian poems on Russia and Russian culture?
Question by Bea: Russian poems on russian culture or russia in general? Do you know any Russian poems that express the perspective or culture of Russia or are just about Russia in general ...if so what are they ? Answers and Views: Answer by … [Read more...] about What are some Russian poems on Russia and Russian culture?
How did Stalin become the Soviet Leader and not Trotsky?
Question by Mr X: How did Stalin become Supreme Leader of the Soviet Union and not Trotsky? Stalin drank, he was a peasant, he had poor charisma, he suffered from extreme paranoia. Even Lenin himself before he died cautioned the Bolsheviks against … [Read more...] about How did Stalin become the Soviet Leader and not Trotsky?
What are 3 dishes that represent Russia?
Question by : What are 3 dishes (can be entré, main, dessert) to represent Russia.? This is for a project I'm working on...many answers are appreciated! The more the better! Thanks guys! Please don't suggest Google...I need YOUR opinion! Answers … [Read more...] about What are 3 dishes that represent Russia?
How should I refer to the former USSR in a proper way?
Question by Jabrown93: What is the proper way to refer to the former USSR? In an essay would I refer to the former USSR as the former Soviet bloc or the Soviet bloc. Or are both of these obsolete? Thanks. Answers and Views: Answer by Lex … [Read more...] about How should I refer to the former USSR in a proper way?
What good Russian dishes don’t have onion or dill in it?
Question by avengedXmaster: Are there any good Russian dishes that don't have onion or dill in it? I'm half Russian and I want to cook something Russian, but, I don't know any recipes that don't know any that don't include onion or dill. I'm allergic … [Read more...] about What good Russian dishes don’t have onion or dill in it?