Question by Fiery Furnace: Why do Russian people put excessive brackets at the ends of sentances? Examples (from assorted Russians on my facebook): Skiing tomorrow))))))))))))) already excited about next weekend)))))))))))))) love this … [Read more...] about Excessive brackets at the ends of sentances?
How did communism come in russia?
Question by lala: How did communism come about in russia in 1917? I have to do a government paper, and I have no idea. my topic question is " was russia an ideal candidate for communism in 1917" Can anyone help me ? Answers and Views: Answer by … [Read more...] about How did communism come in russia?
Communist Russia and Animal Farm?
Question by xxsowrongitsnikkixx: Help with homework related to Communist Russia and the book Animal Farm? If you are just going to say that I shouldn't ask you guys then just leave. So here's what it says: Explain how life was altered for those … [Read more...] about Communist Russia and Animal Farm?
How do you pronounce Russia in Russian?
Question by Lithuanian Kid: How do you pronounce Россия (Russia) using the american alphabet? Россия is in Russian and means Russia. Answers and Views: Answer by AndrewYou pronounce it using the American alphabet, which will be "Russia" not … [Read more...] about How do you pronounce Russia in Russian?
How to convert a Russian web page to english?
Question by tothemitchells: How do you convert a Russian web page to english? Thank you for your help I am trying to look at a russian web page but I only know english. Is thhere anything from microsoft or somewhere that I can dowload to have it … [Read more...] about How to convert a Russian web page to english?
What the Arts and Entertainment are like in Russia?
Question by abby: Does anyone know what the Arts and Entertainment are like in Russia and the Caucasus? I have to do a report on Russia, Georgia, Armenia, and Azerbaijan and what kind of Arts and Entertainment they have there. Answers and … [Read more...] about What the Arts and Entertainment are like in Russia?
The most popular tennis player in Russia?
Question by julian6789: Who is the most popular tennis player in Russia? Is it Sharapova? But she has left Russia a long time ago and lives in USA now. Is she the most popular in Russia? Or Davydenko, Kuznetsova, Dementieva, Chakvetadze, … [Read more...] about The most popular tennis player in Russia?