Question by Mark: What are things I need to know about marrying a Russian/Ukraine woman? I spent a month in Ukraine with my girlfriend and if we decide to get married I want know what to expect. Any help from men married to Russian women would be … [Read more...] about Things I need to know about marrying a Russian woman?
Good works to include in a Russian Literature unit?
Question by Amanda: What are some good shorter works to include in a Russian Literature unit? I am preparing a Russian literature unit for junior or senior level high school students. I have already decided to include Ivan Turgenev's "Fathers and … [Read more...] about Good works to include in a Russian Literature unit?
In what ways were the Russians dissatisfied with the Tsar?
Question by Incinerator: ? In what ways were the Russians dissatisfied with the Tsar? Besides citizens' dissatisfaction, what other factors contributed to the monarchy collapse in Russia? Answers and Views: Answer by Joseph The underlying causes of … [Read more...] about In what ways were the Russians dissatisfied with the Tsar?
A typical day meals for a Russian?
Question by Sweet n Sour: What would a typical day's meals for a Russian consist of? I know the different types of specialty dishes like cabbage food, but let's say from breakfast to dinner what foods in all would a typical Russian eat in their diet? … [Read more...] about A typical day meals for a Russian?
Movies and shows with Russian accents?
Question by orangepony: What movies/shows have people speaking with Russian accents? I need to speak with a Russian accent for a play I'm doing but I'm having issues with it. I know the basics but I really want to be able to hear it. Are there any … [Read more...] about Movies and shows with Russian accents?
Russian language on my computer?
Question by Chris O: How can I install russian language on my computer? I really need this, because everytime when My computer reads russian, it just gives out unknown characters. Please help :( Answers and Views: Answer by paulgor1There is no such … [Read more...] about Russian language on my computer?
Which alphabet to use when sending a letter to Russia?
Question by languagegirl86: Which alphabet should you use when sending a letter to Russia? On the front of the envelope should you use the Latin (English) alphabet, or the Cyrillic (Russian) alphabet? In England they won't be able to read the … [Read more...] about Which alphabet to use when sending a letter to Russia?