Question by Andy N: Why did Gorbachev choose reforms when it could mean the loss of power for the country?
Why did Gorbachev and the Soviet leadership undertake democratization and economic liberalization even at the risk of reducing their own power? Why did the reforms lead to the collapse of the Soviet Union?
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Answer by PDY
The system wasn’t working and they knew they had to try something new. Unfortunately, they went about it in a helter skelter way – trying one thing this month, another next month. It created chaos in the economy and it was clear that the administration was desperate. But the ultimate collapse had more to do with their invasion of Afghanistan. The war was bleeding the country dry financially. So when Poland and East Germany ultimately rebelled they had no resources to do anything about it.
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gen patton says
they knew there was no need to worry about America, and they went broke trying to keep up with us. couldn't pay their army. they didn't realize you can't tax your people to death when you don't pay them anything. the big bankers of the world told them not to fret, they would see to it we would go down the tubes soon enough.
Aussie_Icon says
Because the Union of Soviet socialists was not sustainable and the union would have collapsed anyway.
He was a great leader who put the long term interest of his nation ahead of that of his own ambitions.
By doing what he did he was able to at least control and manage the change rather than have change occur in a chaotic or anarchistic way which could have been devastating.