Question by James S: Where can i get a letter set or keyboard that has the russian characters? I need to type in russian on a website, and I have a font for russian, but i can't use it on the internet, is there some button in internet explorer to … [Read more...] about Where can i get a Russian letter set or keyboard?
Does Russian have mutual intelligibility with other languages?
Question by Raptor Jesus: Does Russian have a degree of mutual intelligibility with any other languages? If so which? I used to know a Russian girl and Slovakian girl who sometimes spoke a mix of the 2 languages to eachother. Is Polish similar to … [Read more...] about Does Russian have mutual intelligibility with other languages?
Similarites between the Roman and Russian empires?
Question by pkc: What were some similarites between the Roman and Russian empires? Roman empire at the height of its power (96 A.D. - 180 A.D.), Russian empire 1721-1917 (NOT the Soviet union) any major similarities and differences? Answers and … [Read more...] about Similarites between the Roman and Russian empires?
What are the personalities and reputations of Russian football teams?
Question by Tovarish: What are the personalities and reputations of Russian football (soccer) teams? I'm just curious. In doing research on Russia, the world of Russian football (soccer) has been opened up to me. I was wondering what are the … [Read more...] about What are the personalities and reputations of Russian football teams?
What do Russian guys say?
Question by upards: What do Russian guys say when they see an attractive female? America, for example: She's hot. There's also: dime piece, andrei, eye candy... Could I have the English and the Russian spelling please. Thanks. Answers and … [Read more...] about What do Russian guys say?
The difference between Byzantine Catholic and Russian Orthodox?
Question by Ali: What is the difference between Byzantine Catholic and Russian Orthodox? I'm just curious. My babushka and I were talking about it today... I'm Roman Catholic, and she's Byzantine Catholic, but I always thought they (Russian Orthodox … [Read more...] about The difference between Byzantine Catholic and Russian Orthodox?
Why is there a little chunk of Russia?
Question by doodle: why is there a little chunk of russia between lithuania and poland? I've been wondering why there is a little bit of russia located between poland and lituania. Why is it there? What is the history of it? Answers and … [Read more...] about Why is there a little chunk of Russia?