Question by Laura J: What was Sputnik-1's payload? I need to know how much it could carry. Answers and Views: Answer by mike1942fA sphere with a simple beeping radio - Read all the answers in the … [Read more...] about What was Russian Sputnik’s payload?
Why did Russian government shut down casinos in 2009?
Question by : Why did Russia shut down all the casinos in 2009? Why did Russia shut down all the casinos in 2009? Did they reopen them? I know a few specific remote regions in Russia have casinos but why did they do it to start with and can russians … [Read more...] about Why did Russian government shut down casinos in 2009?
What are the meaning of 3 truths in Tolstoy’s WHAT MEN LIVE BY?
Question by regine t: in the story, WHAT MEN LIVE BY - Leo Tolstoy, what are the meaning of 3 truths? can you explain further.. Answers and Views: Answer by ruth4526I think 1. What dwells in men? = Love, 2. What is not given to man? hatred and … [Read more...] about What are the meaning of 3 truths in Tolstoy’s WHAT MEN LIVE BY?
How well was the Russian Tsar running his country?
Question by : How well was the Tsar running Russia? Around the time of the 1917 Russian Revolution how was the Tsar running Russia? thanks x Answers and Views: Answer by DiogenesWell, they kicked him out, rounded his family up, killed them and … [Read more...] about How well was the Russian Tsar running his country?
Where to find a dance video on Swan Lake music?
Question by Nervous&Curious: where can i find a dance video (NOT ballet) on Swan Lake music by Tchaikovsky? i want to watch a video where people or a couple dances to the swan lake song in waltz style not ballet so please can you tell me where to … [Read more...] about Where to find a dance video on Swan Lake music?
How much vodka would it normally take to get drunk?
Question by : How much vodka would it take to get drunk? I am 5'6 and weigh 108lbs how much vodka (mixed with coca-cola or something similar) would it take for me to get drunk? Don't get the wrong idea, next year I am going to a beach/camping with … [Read more...] about How much vodka would it normally take to get drunk?
What was Ronald Reagan’s Mr Gorbachev speech about?
Question by sarie!: What was Ronald Reagan's speech Mr Gorbachev about? It's for an English assignment thanks! Answers and Views: Answer by Jeffrey SThe most famous was when he told Gorbachev to tear down the Berlin Wall. Read all the answers in … [Read more...] about What was Ronald Reagan’s Mr Gorbachev speech about?