Question by loveomusic1214: What's the difference between the Ukrainian language and the Russian language? Is Ukrainian based off of Russian? is it very similar like how America and England speak English but use some different terms and have … [Read more...] about The difference between the Ukrainian language and the Russian language?
How to make Russian blini?
Question by J.A.N.E.T. 9: How to make a traditional Russian blini? Does anyone know of a good traditional Russian blini recipe? Also, what is usually topped on them? I heard cheese, fish, or fruit? Also, is blini a breakfast food or dinner … [Read more...] about How to make Russian blini?
What Hetalia comic involves America ordering Russian condoms?
Question by Queien: What Hetalia comic involves America ordering condoms from Russia? The one where America tries to demoralize Russia by ordering condoms in an unrealistically large size. Russia then sends them, labeled as "extra small", with a … [Read more...] about What Hetalia comic involves America ordering Russian condoms?
How can I change the language of Bully from Russian to English?
Question by Ansi: How can I change the language of Bully: Scholarship Edition from Russian to English? The language in my game is Russian and I cannot understand it. Is there any patch or anything else that could help? Sorry for my bad … [Read more...] about How can I change the language of Bully from Russian to English?
What compromise was reached between the United States and Russia?
Question by Faitutasi F: What conflict and Compromise was reached between the United States and Russia? I wanted to know if there ever was a fight between these two powers and the main reason why there was a conflict between the United States and … [Read more...] about What compromise was reached between the United States and Russia?
Chances in Russian Roulette?
Question by rockybouldersmith: What are the chances in Russian Roulette? What are the chances of a person winning or losing? Is there any scientific test on this? I mean, there should be because they do tests on every other stupid thing why not … [Read more...] about Chances in Russian Roulette?
US response if Russia bombs or invades Poland?
Question by RunLolaRun: How should US respond if Russia bombs or invades Poland? Can the US handle confrontation on two fronts..ME and Russia? According the the news Russia has just announced it is completely pulling out of NATO. While not a member I … [Read more...] about US response if Russia bombs or invades Poland?