Question by Julia: Title of Russian cartoon with dirty boy and talking aligator? I can't seem to remember the name of this Russian cartoon. A little boy refused to bathe, so his mirror came to life. Other things happened, and the boy ran outside, … [Read more...] about Russian cartoon with dirty boy and talking aligator?
How to make Win support russian language?
Question by SkullDragon: How can I make my Win to support russian language? I can't install russian thru Regional Settings (coz of no WinCD or WinSource on HD). I need to make my PC to be compattible with russian language (not only text files). Any … [Read more...] about How to make Win support russian language?
How can Obama expect to have a new start with Russia?
Question by godiva: How can Obama expect to have a new start with Russia whn he chose Hilary Clinton as Secretary of State? Obama cannot, nor can the U.S. hope to ever have good relations with Russia again when Pres Bill Clinton was the cause of a … [Read more...] about How can Obama expect to have a new start with Russia?
Why does China buy military equipment from Russia?
Question by Jedbrien: Why does China buy military equipment from Russia if it has a higher military spending? China's military expenditures are (estimated by US) $ 150 billion and Russia is $ 61 billion.So why does China keep buying equipment off … [Read more...] about Why does China buy military equipment from Russia?
Where can I find a russian speaking program?
Question by rusty s: Where can I find a russian speaking program on the internet? Last semester I put the questions I would be asked for an oral final in a website and a voice read them aloud (in russian). Now I can't find the site, what was … [Read more...] about Where can I find a russian speaking program?
Who would Russia fight for in a war between Iran and Israel?
Question by GoYankees353: Who would China and Russia fight for In a war between Iran and Israel with the US on Israel's side? Long question, I know...However, I think I pretty much covered it. Do you think that if a war between Iran and Israel … [Read more...] about Who would Russia fight for in a war between Iran and Israel?
Is there a russian yahoo?
Question by Россия!!! LAKERS 2010 FIFA 2010: IS their a russian yahoo or something that isnt russian writing but english? This one barely has any people in russian its all americans. I dont hate americans just want to talk to russian people since i … [Read more...] about Is there a russian yahoo?